January 30, 2025
Letters to the Editor

Letter: Holding Trump accountable

To the Editor:

While watching the nationwide vote count, we were constantly reminded of the number of outstanding mail-in ballots yet to be counted.

The Trump campaign knew that many Democratic voters were going to mail in their ballots. They also knew that the most of the Republican votes were going to be cast in person. They were also looking at the polls throughout the spring and summer that showed them trailing Joe Biden.

As a response to this situation, Donald Trump did what he thought would be a move to negate the mail-in vote. He appointed one of his financial supporters; Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General. And DeJoy took steps to undermine the efficiency of the postal service.

He ordered mail processing to be slowed down. He attempted to reduce access to the USPS through the removal of mailboxes. All of these directives were ordered under the justification of improving the bottom line and “right sizing” the post office, but in reality they were an attempt at voter obstruction.

In response to Trump/DeJoy, the people pushed back and the courts sided with the people. DeJoy was ordered by the courts to reverse his directives. He was ordered to scrub the system and push ballots through the mail so they would be delivered on time and before the election deadline.

Trump and DeJoy were caught trying to silence the voice of the people; their vote. They were caught trying to obstruct voter access to the polls. They needed to be held accountable at the ballot box and they were. Now they need to be held accountable in a court of law.

I’m reminded of the oath Donald Trump took as he placed his hand on the Bible; “and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.”; yea right. Access to the ballot and the right to vote is ingrained in the Constitution.

When your employer fires you, security takes your key card and escorts you out of the building immediately. The U.S. gives its defeated President 70 plus days.

Phil Heil
