
American Legion launches voter campaign

GRANVILLE — The American Legion in Granville is mobilizing to fight voter apathy and get residents to cast their votes on Election Day, Nov. 3.

Members of American Legion Post 180 are urging their friends and neighbors to help stop the decline in voter participation and instead, get every eligible voter to the polls.

Commander Bill Haage, of Post 180, says the campaign in Putnam County, is part of the American Legion’s nationwide “Get Out the Vote” program.

Haage said, “We’ve been doing this since 1920, but this year it is taking on added importance. There are so many important things happening in the world today that will shape how we lives our lives tomorrow.

“Under the provision of The American Legion’s federal charter, we are prohibited from supporting, opposing or providing aid to any political party or any candidate for public office, but the American Legion can use its volunteer resources and facilities to encourage eligible citizens to vote. After all, it is a citizen’s duty and responsibility.”

Haage said that members of the post will keep the campaign going to the close of polls on Election Day 2020.

The key to our representative form of American democracy is the right to vote. Again, election day is Nov. 3. Do your part. Vote!