March 14, 2025
Local Editorials

Endorsement: President: Joe Biden

Are you nostalgic for the days when the White House didn’t determine our daily mood or cause embarrassment?

Are you wondering when you can return to work at the office or when school can be counted on to start and end in a classroom?

Are you concerned about whether the problems of our world are being addressed not on their importance or merits but on whether our state’s Electoral College votes went to the president or his opponent in 2016?

On Nov. 3, America will have an opportunity to correct course with a presidential candidate who is a uniter, not a divider, a candidate who proclaims to seek to represent the whole country, not just those from whom he can benefit. Over the past four years during Donald Trump’s presidency, we have lost much.

Consider the Trump administration’s failed response to COVID-19. Many countries have tackled the pandemic while the U.S. remains muddled in its efforts to stave off the illness. Americans account for 20% of global deaths, yet our leader remains indifferent in his public response to the global disaster.

In those four years, the country has been wedged further apart and that is why the Shaw Media Editorial Board believes it is time for our country to have a new leader, the moderate unifier Joe Biden.

As Biden says, “For those who vote for me and those who vote against me. We need to rise to this moment, for the sake of our country we love.”

While there always have been more radical factions within each party, when it comes time to govern, more moderate and centrist approaches have historically carried the day. That isn’t Donald Trump. That is Joe Biden.

We call on Biden, a six-term U.S. senator from Delaware and former vice president, to be a unifier and to steer clear of the wish lists of his further-left Democratic counterparts such as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

Biden doesn’t support Medicare for All but does support adding a public option to the Affordable Care Act. He has not advocated for defunding the police.

Biden was the most moderate candidate in the Democratic field, and he is the best choice to heal the nation. We advocate for a return to the day-to-day integrity of the office of U.S. president. Telling the truth, making well-thought-out decisions and being a leader with the highest standards while holding what is the most important elected position in the world is essential for our country and its future.

That starts with getting a proper handle on the COVID-19 pandemic, which is the best way for us to properly reopen all of our schools and businesses and get the economy humming along again.

An essential part of Biden’s administration will be his appointees. For Trump, that process and the revolving door in most of his posts illustrate his failures.

With Biden, we anticipate a significant difference, as we advocate for him to appoint the right people regardless of political affiliation across the board and then allow those people to do their jobs without being subject to his whims.

While overall economic numbers might not always make it clear, Trump has failed the average Americans whom he claims to be helping. They are the groups suffering as a result of the current economic disruptions. Many of these citizens don’t have the ability to work remotely or ride out the economic downturn and have instead turned to blame their state’s governor for the pandemic response.

Now, we call on Joe Biden to restore the dignity of the office. As he says: “There’s nothing we cannot do if we do it together.”