March 14, 2025


Produce Quality Content to Show the Value of Your Business

“Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world that you are one.”

- Robert Rose, Chief Strategist, Content Marketing Institute

If you’ve paid any attention to marketing trends and practices in recent years, chances are you’ve heard the phrase “content is king” a time or two. But what can that mean for businesses where potential customers are concerned?

A lot.

The customer’s buying journey continues to evolve with every product or service they seek, but one constant that customers can always appreciate is good, quality content relevant to what they are in the market for. It’s now more important than ever for businesses to provide such content, which will aim to inform and educate their potential customers, drive engagement and lead to sales.

A content marketing strategy not only can aid in fortifying branding efforts and drive traffic to your website, but it can position the business to showcase it’s expertise. This strategy can be particularly useful for service-based businesses, or any industry in which the customers tend to research a little more thoroughly before making a purchase. You may have heard this concept referred to as native advertising or sponsored content. Unlike traditional display advertising however, this longer form of content centers around text, video and photos that may not directly be about the business, but rather provides something useful the customer can learn during the purchase cycle. A chiropractor for example, may publish a piece of content about the three signs you may have sciatica. A cosmetology school may want to inform people about the trendy new hairstyles of the season, or a local HVAC company could have an article produced featuring tips on furnace maintenance.

Whether it’s self-produced, or in collaboration with an agency or news outlet, content marketing is a great way to turn an audience into loyal customers by providing trustworthy, relevant material that is of interest to them.

If you're interested in being the trusted local expert in your field, contact us.